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Find business email and enrich contacts into your Monday CRM with Dropcontact

monday x Dropcontact integration by inet process : Automatic business contacts enrichment in your monday CRM

Find business emails and enrich your contacts directly into your monday CRM

monday.com is a customizable cloud-based work management platform. It helps teams and organizations increase operational efficiency by tracking projects and workflows, visualizing data, and sharing projects.

Many automation and support integrations are available to help teams be more efficient.

Moreover, Monday can be used as a CRM! And CRM templates are on 🔥.
That's a real CRM platform, and you can customize it: contact, lead, company, contract...

🔥🔥🔥 Dropcontact is now integrated with monday.

Thanks to this automation, your leads are automatically enriched with business email and phone number, LinkedIn profile, salutation, website, company LinkedIn page, and all legal company information!

Just with a click!

This integration is available thanks to our friends iNetProcess 💙💚

100% efficiency 100% automatic

You'll see, enriching all of your business contacts is extremely simple and quick!

💡 Pre-requirsites to use the Dropcontact x monday integration and enrich your CRM

  • Have a monday account or create a new one here
  • Have a Dropcontact subscription and get your API key. You can test for free: 100 credits are offered 🎁 when you sign up.
Monday easy integration to find business email and enrich your B2B contacts
Let's see how to find business and enrich B2B contacts into monday

1. Import the Dropcontact Template into your monday

monday has many templates to make it simpler for you to use the tool.

Before using Dropcontact with monday, you must add the Dropcontact board template to your workspace. You also can search "Dropcontact" 😉
This Dropcontact board Template board includes all required columns and integration to retrieve lead data from Dropcontact API.

A new sheet will be created: Lead Enrichment Board 💚

This template is composed of 3 tabs:

  • Set up Dropcontact: this tab allows you to import your data files to be enriched.
  • By default: ⚠️ don't touch to this. We use it to process the enrichment.
  • Result: This tab is magic! Your enriched lead and verified business email will appear here after Dropcontact has worked on it.
Dropcontact template to enrich business contacts on Monday
empty dropcontact template

2. Set up the monday automation to process Dropcontact

The Dropcontact automation is available on the monday marketplace.

Search "Dropcontact" in the search bar. Then, add it to your tab, or click here

The configuration is like👇

"When the status changes to "To process", retrieve information using "YOUR DROPCONTACT API KEY."

Your Dropcontact API key is available on your Dropcontact dashboard > API and integration.

3. Import a contact file to enrich it with Dropcontact

To add new contacts into your monday CRM, you can import your files (.xlsx, .xls or .csv) by clicking on "New Item" > "Import item".

Next, choose your file, map data and specify you want to add new items

⚠️ It's important to add a first column that doesn't contain information. We advise to have a Name column with first and last name in addition to First Name and Last Name columns.

How to import data file into Monday to find emails with Dropcontact

After this operation, Dropcontact's algorithms 🤖🤖 will work as fast as possible.

Dropcontact doesn't have any stocked personal database but finds email and enriches B2B contacts thanks to real-time algorithms.

There are several ways to find a B2B email address with Dropcontact and enrich it with titles, LinkedIn profile, and company data.

  • The most efficient way: first name + last name + company website (15% to 20% more efficient)
  • Company name + first name + last name
  • LinkedIn profile link (the SalesNavigator link is not sufficient)
  • For French companies, with the website, the company name, or the SIRET number, you will get the legal representative information (email, first name, last name, LinkedIn profile, and of course, company information)

4. Change monday status to launch the Dropcontact process

In the previous trigger, we have set up the lauch of Dropcontact when the status is changed to "To process":

So, to find the business email address and enrich your contact, you have to change the current status "New" to "To process".

💡 Good to know: Dropcontact is the only GDPR compliant email finder and enricher. Dropcontact doesn't have any personal database and only uses powerful algorithms.

Magic is happening 🪄

5. Wait and see the Dropcontact magic

Dropcontact processes each contact, and when they are enriched, they appear on the Result tabs.

6. Your monday CRM is now a robust Sales Machine

For each contact, Dropcontact has...

  • Added titles
  • Standardized first and last name
  • Added and qualified the business email address
  • Added the business phone number
  • Added the LinkedIn profile
  • Added the website URL
  • Added legal information: Legal name, turnover, last results, number of employees, NAF code, SIREN, SIRET, and VAT number (for French companies), address with the country...

Now, you can segment your leads, launch some ultra-personalized Cold Email campaigns and create precise communication.

Your monday CRM can go further away with other integrations and automate all of your Sales Machines!
Only your imagination will be your limit 😉

Monday integration: Dropcontact finds business emails and enrichs your leads

Most frequently asked questions

What's Monday?

monday.com is a cloud task management platform. The tool helps teams and organisations to increase their operational efficiency by making project management and workflow creation easier for team members. Several automation and support integrations are available to help teams be more efficient.Monday can also be used as a CRM! Their template are 🔥It's a real CRM that can be entirely personalizable: contact, prospect, company, contract...

What can Dropcontact do in Monday?

For each contact, Dropcontact will enrich and update the following contact and company data:TitleStandardization of first and last namesAddition, verification and qualification of name-based professional email addressesProfessional phone numberLinkedIn profileCompany website URL Company legal information: legal name, turnover, latest results, number of employees, address, country...

How can I integrate Dropcontact with Monday?

In order to integrate Dropcontact with Monday to find, verify and qualify all of your leads', prospects' and clients' emails, you just need to download Dropcontact's board template in your workspace.This template includes all required columns and Dropcontact's integration to enrich your leads' email addresses with all the information you need for your prospecting, thanks to Dropcontact's API.A new board is automatically created: Lead Enrichment Board 💚
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