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Overloop, your converting and prospecting tool

Overloop, the tool that takes Cold Emails to the next level

Cold Emailing with Overloop

Cold Emailing with Overloop

Overloop is a tool that allows you to work on your Outbound strategy, especially by sending Cold Emails with your Google or Microsoft email provider.

The performance of each Cold Email that you sent is tracked and gives you an overall view of your achievements. You can add personalized variables which are integrated to your email content, such as the name of your contact, their company or their localization.

These Cold Emails can also be associated with other prospecting tools like calls or social media like LinkedIn for instance.


Overloop offers two subscription plans:

  • The Startup plan that allows you to enjoy all of Overloop's features, to use 100 monthly credits for the Email Finder and to have 3 active prospecting campaigns simultaneously
  • The No-Brainer plan that allows you to have an unlimited number of active, simultaneous campaigns and 250 credits to use the Email Finder each month.

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Overloop's pros

Personnalised workflows

Personnalised workflows

With Overloop, you can build and activate your own workflows to reduce the amount of time you spend on repetitive tasks like creating a deal in your CRM, triggering a response email after calling your prospect or even assigning a task to a colleague. 

The efficiency of these workflows is also increased by the multiple native integrations of Overloop with Pipedrive, Salesforce, HubSpot, Slack or Calendly.

Multichannel with Overloop

Overloop gives its users the opportunity to create multichannel campaigns based on:

  • LinkedIn, with the automation of profil views, personalized messages or invitations to connect
  • Cold Emails
  • Automated reminder emails
  • Phone calls
Finding Emails with Overloop

Finding emails with Overloop

Overloop has an Email Finder service directly integrated to the platform. It is based on:

  • algorithms that find the email addresses of prospects and update them directly in Overloop. The emails are found based on the first name, last name, and domain name of each prospect, and on a deduction made by the algorithms.
  • scraping the public data available on the Internet.

There is also a Chrome extension that allows you to create leads in Overloop from any webpage or social media.

Lastly, to verify the authenticity of the contact data provided to and by their clients, Overloop uses third-party services like, Zerobounce or BriteVerify.

Finding Emails with Overloop

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