B2B nominative and verified email finder

Warm up your mailbox: MailFlow

Never end up in spam thanks to MailFlow

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SPF and DKIM domain verification

MailFlow offers SPF and DKIM domain verification. If these are misconfigured, the tool corrects any related anomalies, so you'll never find yourself in your recipients' spam folders again.

SPF and DKIM domain verification
Blacklisted domains monitoring
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Blacklisted domains monitoring

MailFlow monitors nearly 100 different blacklisted domains and lets you know if yours is one of them.

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Improve the reputation of your email domain

MailFlow monitors your reputation on a daily basis to guide you in the timing of your campaigns.

For example, the tool alerts you if your e-mails are sent too frequently or, on the contrary, not often enough.

Improve the reputation of your email domain


Silver Pool at $49 per month lets you send up to 30 emails per day for 100 email addresses.

Gold Pool at $99 per month lets you send up to 50 emails per day for 100 email addresses.

MailFlow offers a free plan that lets you send up to 5 warm-up emails a day and check your SPF and DKIM domains.

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MailFlow benefits

MailFlow offers additional features to warm-up emails.

These include :

  • SPF and DKIM domain verification
  • Monitoring of blacklisted domains, to inform you if yours is one of them
  • Manage your mailbox reputation


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