How to clean the data in your CRM


How to clean the data in your Hubspot CRM

Looking for a solution to clean and keep your database up to date in your Hubspot CRM? Today is your lucky day: we have the perfect tool to ensure that your contact data is always clean and fresh! 

Lead generation is the starting point of any sales and marketing strategy. So naturally, you spend a lot of time identifying new prospects and adding them to your CRM. 

But are you sure that the data is correctly recorded in Hubspot? Can you be certain that the fields in your CRM are filled in correctly? That there are no spelling mistakes? Omissions? And are you doing everything you can to ensure that the information in your CRM is kept up to date?

All of this monitoring, research, and updating takes a considerable amount of time. Even worse, these tasks distract you from your core business: promoting your company and selling your product or service. 

Fortunately, solutions exist to keep your CRM clean, without wasting time and without you even having to think about it! 

Outdated data in your Hubspot CRM: the consequences

As you know, the data in your CRM is very important for an efficient marketing campaign and sales strategy. However, this data must be reliable, correctly filled in, and up to date! 

If you simply add new contacts to your CRM, without ensuring that they are clean and up to date you are exposing yourself to repercussions on all your marketing and sales actions. 

🚩You can't properly track your accounts and ongoing deals, because you're never sure if you're talking to the right person and through the right medium.

🚩It's impossible to accurately target and personalize your Cold Emails. The basis of prospecting becomes impossible due to the lack of clean and complete data. 

🚩The segmentation of your contacts is not reliable and your emailing and/or online advertising campaigns lose efficiency.

🚩Worse still, by sending emails to unverified or obsolete addresses, your deliverability rates are likely to decrease, and the reputation of your entire domain name plummets!

In order to remedy these problems, you need to mobilize your entire team. Salespeople, marketers, and even customer service agents have to regularly put their main missions on hold to maintain the CRM. 

Not exactly the best solution 🙄

It's estimated that researching and updating data takes each team member an average of 1 hour per day! That's huge. But mandatory. 

Identifying and merging duplicates, checking contact information for possible obsolescence, deleting outdated email addresses, correcting typos and incorrectly filled out fields, updating and adding information such as positions held, etc. 

What if we told you that you could automate these tedious and time-consuming tasks? Dropcontact is natively integrated into Hubspot and ensures the cleaning of your CRM in full autonomy. Thanks to its unique algorithm-based approach, it is the only 100% GDPR-compliant tool that cleans and enriches the data in your Hubspot software in real-time.

Clean up contact data in Hubspot

how to clean the data in your hubspot crm

No more endless hours cleaning and maintaining your Hubspot CRM manually, Dropcontact does it for you, without you having to think about it!

Email address checker in Hubspot

Your emails are bouncing? Are you tired of spending hours writing messages that never reach their recipients? Are your automated workflows returning errors? 

It is clear that you have too many incorrect or invalid email addresses in your CRM. 

Dropcontact takes away the guesswork! All email addresses provided by Dropcontact are tested, verified, and up to date!

Thanks to Dropcontact's integration with Hubspot, every time you add a new contact record, the algorithms automatically find your prospect's qualified and verified business email address. In addition, Dropcontact provides you with all the additional information you need to personalize your messages: contact information, job title, company information, etc. 

And the integration with Hubspot doesn't stop there. Whenever you modify a contact, Dropcontact automatically updates it with the most relevant information, in real-time. 

So your contact database is always up to date and clean and your emails always arrive right on target 🎯

Updating contact data in Hubspot

How do you keep track of and update the thousands of contact records in your Hubspot CRM? Given the speed at which the business world evolves, doing it manually would be a full-time job. 

It is estimated that in one year, one-third of an un-updated database becomes obsolete. So should you just discard the long hours spent on finding those leads? Well, of course not!

Dropcontact manages your contact database intelligently and independently. 

Today, employees change jobs and companies faster than ever. Dropcontact is able to identify these changes. Not only does the tool ensure that contact records are updated in your CRM, but it also sends you alerts to notify you of them. 

Fixing errors in a Hubspot CRM

Having a clean and up-to-date CRM is essential to growing a business. But if it is full of errors, or if the fields are badly filled in, it becomes unusable. 

We cannot repeat this enough: the key to successful prospecting is the hyper-personalization of your messages. To do this, you rely on the data stored in your CRM. 

Now, let's imagine that you have mixed up the first and last names of your contact when filling in their details in your CRM. Or that you have retrieved this data by scraping a site or through a form, except that capital letters, special characters, or emojis have been copied or incorrectly encoded in the contact form. 

These errors that might seem harmless can unfortunately damage the brand image you want to convey. We've all seen this type of unprofessional greeting: 

"Hi Cohen 🤪!", "Mr. DENIS", or "Dear Chlo%C3%A9!"   

The solution? Dropcontact provides first name/last name reversal correction in your Hubspot CRM, it corrects misspellings, misused capitalization, misencoded characters, removes emojis, etc.

Every time the algorithms identify an error or a wrongly filled-in field, it automatically corrects them, without you needing to validate the changes manually. 

The nightmare of any sales and marketing teams? A CRM that is full of duplicates! Dropcontact detects and merges them automatically and intelligently in Hubspot. Without any information being lost along the way.

Detection and merging of duplicates in a CRM

How to detect and merge duplicate contacts in your CRM

Say goodbye to duplicate contacts and companies records in your CRM! How many hours do you spend daily trying to identify and manually merge them ?

Dropcontact works in the background to merge duplicates without any intervention from your part and without loosing any information on the way.

Detection and merging of CRM duplicates
Detection and merging of duplicates in a CRM

How to enrich your CRM data

Having a thorough contacts database is mandatory to your prospecting. When your contacts and companies records are filled with relevant and up-to-date information, your can hyper-personalize your messages and segment your sending lists more easily.

Dropcontact automatically enriches and updates your CRM records with all the data needed to convert your leads into clients!

CRM data enrichment

How to clean the data in your Salesforce CRM

If you have a Salesforce CRM, you know how valuable your contact data is to your marketing and sales strategies. It's the foundation of your communication campaigns, ad targeting, and sales automation strategy.

Unfortunately, keeping this data up to date is a daunting job that no one really has the time (and the desire) to do. 

As a result, it is estimated that in one year, 1/3 of a non-updated database becomes outdated 🤯

Considering the time and resources it takes to find new leads, it's a real shame to lose them because you don't have the time to properly update your database.

Fortunately, we have the solution to your problems! 😌

Outdated data in your Salesforce CRM: the consequences

If you don't keep your database clean and updated, your entire sales and marketing efforts suffer: 

👉 Without complete AND up-to-date data, you can't properly segment your email campaigns. It's impossible to properly target your Cold Emails, let alone personalize them.

👉With outdated and unverified email addresses, your emails will inevitably bounce. Your domain name's reputation is likely to be impacted. 

👉 Following up on your customers gets affected. Indeed, how can you be sure that you are addressing the right person? That you have the right contact information? 

To remedy these issues, sales teams, marketing teams, or any other people working on a CRM software, must dedicate time to the maintenance of their database. 🧼

Or... they need to find the right tools to update and clean the data set.

Identifying and deleting duplicates, adding additional information, checking for possible obsolescence of contact information, updating occupied positions, deleting obsolete and/or erroneous email addresses, correcting spelling mistakes, reversing incorrectly filled-in fields, etc. 

All these actions, if done manually, represent an average of one hour per day for each member of the teams using a CRM!

An absolutely necessary but terribly time-consuming job ⌛

Fortunately, there are tools that allow you to completely automate your Salesforce CRM cleanup. That's the case with Dropcontact, the only 100% GDPR-compliant tool that cleans, verifies, updates and enriches the data present in your Salesforce CRM automatically. 

Clean up contact data in Salesforce

clean the data in your salesforce crm

Dropcontact integrates directly with your Salesforce CRM to clean and enrich it in real time! No need to spend long hours manually maintaining it, the tool does it for you. 

You can focus on your core business: selling

Email address verification in Salesforce

Have you ever spent time writing a custom email, setting up an automation, or an email sequence... only to get an error message from your email system? Oops, your recipient's email address was not valid 😮‍💨

Dropcontact solves this problem for you!

Every time you add a new contact to your Salesforce CRM, Dropcontact automatically enriches it with a qualified and validated email address

Then, your contacts are updated with the freshest and verified information thanks to algorithms that work in real-time with each modification of a contact or company record. Your database is always clean and up to date.

Therefore, you are sure that your emails always reach their destination 📬

Updating contact data in Salesforce

In recent years, the working landscape has undergone significant change. Employees tend to change jobs and companies more and more rapidly. And the trend is not likely to reverse anytime soon. 

So how do you keep track of each of your contacts to make sure you keep relevant and up-to-date information? 😫

Manually, it's simply not possible. Especially when you have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of contact records in your Salesforce CRM!

Dropcontact takes care of your database management in total independence, and intelligently. 

One of your contacts changes job or employer? Not only does Dropcontact automatically update their record, but it also sends you an alert to notify you of a major change. No longer do you have to keep track of your contacts and no more unpleasant surprises when you contact someone! 🎉

Correcting errors in Salesforce CRM

Picture this. You're sending an email campaign, and you're using merge fields to personalize your messages. But some of your contact records are incorrectly filled in. For example, the first and last names are reversed. 

Instead of "Hello Matthew", the latter receives "Hello Smith". 🤦 Not so great. And yet it happens so often still...

Luckily for you, Dropcontact handles first/last name inversion in your Salesforce CRM! But that's not all... The tool also allows you to correct spelling mistakes and removes unwanted capitalization, special characters, or emojis.

Every time the algorithm detects an error or a wrong field, it automatically corrects it for you, without you having to validate the changes one by one manually. That's the magic of Dropcontact! 🎩

Speaking of cleaning up your data, you're probably wondering how to (finally) put an end to the problem of duplicates in your Salesforce CRM. Dropcontact automatically and intelligently identifies and merges them.

You put a lot of effort and resources into finding new leads. So don't let them become obsolete! Keep your Salesforce CRM up to date with Dropcontact!

Detection and merging of duplicates in a CRM

How to detect and merge duplicate contacts in your CRM

Say goodbye to duplicate contacts and companies records in your CRM! How many hours do you spend daily trying to identify and manually merge them ?

Dropcontact works in the background to merge duplicates without any intervention from your part and without loosing any information on the way.

Detection and merging of CRM duplicates
Detection and merging of duplicates in a CRM

How to enrich your CRM data

Having a thorough contacts database is mandatory to your prospecting. When your contacts and companies records are filled with relevant and up-to-date information, your can hyper-personalize your messages and segment your sending lists more easily.

Dropcontact automatically enriches and updates your CRM records with all the data needed to convert your leads into clients!

CRM data enrichment

How to clean the data in your Pipedrive CRM

Your Pipedrive CRM and the contacts' data it contains are particularly valuable for your company. This is logical since this information allows you to carry out your commercial and communication strategies.

Provided that your prospects' and customers' data is up to date! 

So you and your sales and marketing teams must constantly update contacts' and companies' records. Unfortunately, this arduous and time-consuming task often gets overlooked. And the more you put it off, the faster the consequences occur. 

Several studies show that within a year, one-third of a non-updated contact database becomes obsolete! 😱

Gone are the hours spent searching, finding, and generating new leads! 

Fortunately, we have the perfect solution to keep your CRM data clean and up to date, without spending long hours every week! 

Outdated data in your Pipedrive CRM: the consequences

As we have seen, data obsolescence in a CRM can happen much faster than one might expect. But what are the consequences?

❌ Email campaign segmentation failure: Creating relevant mailing lists relies on the data present in your Pipedrive. If the information is not complete and up to date, your campaigns may not reach the right people. 

❌ Impossible to personalize your messages: If you're using liquid language (or merge fields) to personalize your bulk mailings or your Cold Emails, you need up-to-date and correct data in your CRM! Mistakes in the personalization of your emails are not forgivable!

❌ Consequences on the deliverability of your emails: Sending emails to addresses that are not up to date or incorrect, can have serious consequences on your deliverability rates. Indeed, if too many emails bounce, messaging systems may consider you spam, which directly impacts the reputation of your domain.

The solution? Constantly clean up your CRM 📑 ! Did you know it's estimated that each team member spends an average of one hour per day on these tedious tasks?! Despite their time-consuming nature, they are absolutely mandatory to avoid losing leads. 

Fortunately, there are tools that allow you to clean and update your pipedrive CRM automatically.

Searching for and adding information, checking the veracity of data, deleting obsolete data, correcting spelling mistakes, updating incorrectly filled-in fields, identifying and merging duplicates, etc.

Thanks to its 100% GDPR-compliant algorithms, Dropcontact automatically cleans all obsolete and erroneous information in your Pipedrive CRM. An always up-to-date database, without having to lift a finger? That's the mission of Dropcontact! 🎖️

Clean up your contact data in Pipedrive

how to clean the data in your pipedrive crm

Dropcontact is natively integrated into Pipedrive! In just a few clicks, you can say goodbye to many hours of wasted work every week, and hello to a healthy and updated database in real time!

Checking email addresses in Pipedrive

Bouncing emails are a nightmare for anyone who regularly sends email campaigns or prospecting emails. 😵‍💫

With Dropcontact, you can forget about them!

Every time you add a new lead to your Pipedrive CRM, Dropcontact automatically finds their qualified and verified nominative business email address. Each email is guaranteed to be up to date!

Moreover, whenever a contact is modified, Dropcontact's algorithms reprocess it to update the information with the freshest data possible. Goodbye, bouncing emails! 👋

Updating contact data in Pipedrive

In today's fast-paced world, people change jobs and companies faster and faster. 

As a direct consequence, it becomes more and more challenging to ensure the relevance of the information contained in your CRM.

Keeping an eye on the evolution of each of your contacts is humanly impossible. Even more so when you have thousands of them in your Pipedrive CRM.

However, this manual work is now unnecessary. Indeed, Dropcontact ensures the maintenance of your database intelligently and with complete independence.  

As soon as it detects a change of position or company, Dropcontact automatically updates the contact record concerned. In addition, the tool sends you an alert to notify you of a major change. You'll never miss a piece of important information again! 😌

Correcting errors in a Pipedrive CRM

"Mr. Denis", "Hello Cohen",... These emails are meant to be personalized but, unfortunately, fields in the CRM form were incorrectly filled in... How annoying! 

The solution to prevent this from happening again? Dropcontact of course! Indeed, the tool manages first name/last name inversions in your Pipedrive CRM.

And that's not all, it normalizes handwriting, corrects spelling and capitalization errors, adds titles, removes emojis and badly encoded characters, etc.

Basically, as soon as it identifies an error or a wrongly filled-in field, Dropcontact's algorithms correct them automatically, without any intervention from your side. 🪄

As for the duplicate issue in your Pipedrive CRM, Dropcontact detects and merges them automatically without any information getting lost along the way!

Finding new leads is crucial for your business. So don't let the data you've spent so much time and effort collecting go to waste. Keep your Pipedrive CRM clean and up to date with Dropcontact!

Detection and merging of duplicates in a CRM

How to detect and merge duplicate contacts in your CRM

Say goodbye to duplicate contacts and companies records in your CRM! How many hours do you spend daily trying to identify and manually merge them ?

Dropcontact works in the background to merge duplicates without any intervention from your part and without loosing any information on the way.

Detection and merging of CRM duplicates
Detection and merging of duplicates in a CRM

How to enrich your CRM data

Having a thorough contacts database is mandatory to your prospecting. When your contacts and companies records are filled with relevant and up-to-date information, your can hyper-personalize your messages and segment your sending lists more easily.

Dropcontact automatically enriches and updates your CRM records with all the data needed to convert your leads into clients!

CRM data enrichment

Let's Get Started !

Don't waste a single minute
on your CRM data!