How to easily find an email address?

The guide to find a real B2B email address

Why finding the correct email address is important

When you set your strategy, you want to touch your target, for sure. The first step is to know your target: including their name, job title, and most importantly, their email address. A good email address lets you create great cold email campaigns, in order to contact your leads and transform them into new customers. Currently, only 8.5% of outreach emails receive a response 😱

Spending time to find someone's email address and tweak your message seems to be a good idea. It's even more essential when your lead doesn't know you.

Is it legal to find someone's email?

Even if the French CNIL recommends opt-in for your prospects, this is just a recommendation.

Sending Cold Emails is legal if you only address the B2B sector and only if your prospect has a legitimate interest in being contacted.

💡 Learn more with these articles that focus on the GDPR:

⚠️ Be careful because, in B2C, you CAN'T address your prospects by email without their content. All personal emails must respect opt-in without exception.

Reduce your bounce, increase your mailing efficiency when you search for someone's email address

If you send marketing campaigns and do some sales actions, you should follow your performances thanks to some KPI, right?

Your bounce rate is one of them, along with the opening rate, click rate, and response rate.

Aside from being a rate that you can put on your reports (often a vanity KPI 😉), a low bounce rate means a good contact data quality.

That is the most important!

The more your email addresses are correct, the more your chances to reach your lead and close a deal.

In the long term, your domain reputation will be safe.

💥 Knowing how to find an email address is the beginning of your sales success.

How to find a professional's Email Address

Why searching for a professional email on Google is limited and outdated

Usually, the first thing we do when we search for something like an email address is going to Google. Not sure that's a good idea.

Of course, there is so much information online, especially on Google's search.

You could find someone's email address by searching for their name with keywords like "email" and "contact".

You could also try some other combinations with some alternative patterns…

But this method could take a lot of time. Too much time!

Your value is elsewhere!

Sure, it doesn't cost anything, it's free, but it's not very efficient.

You will lose your precious time trying to do that.

Moreover, fewer and fewer professional email addresses are directly present on the web.

Like you, companies have understood the consequences of being present online and displaying all of their team's contact information. It opens the door to be contacted every hour, every minute... 🤯

The limits of pattern researches when you look for an email address

You could take your chance using patterns.

A pattern is the structure of the email address. Most of the time, a company has a unique pattern model :

  • ...

So, if you only know one correct email address at a company, you can guess other email addresses from your target's first name and last name.

⚠️ With this method, you cannot verify if the email is correct, up-to-date or if it's a catch-all.

That's why searching for patterns to find an email address is very limited.

Search for an email address

The best way to search and find an email address is using an Email Finder tool.

A lot of Email finder tools are specialized in getting B2B email addresses.

You can find a selection of the best Email Finders: The top 20 best Email Finders in 2023

The best? Dropcontact for sure 😉, because the tool finds, qualifies, AND verifies all nominative emails addresses and other information before delivering it to you.

🧰 Dropcontact is an all-in-one tool.

Search email addresses one by one.

The unique research allows you to find one email address from your prospect's first name, last name, and company name (or with the website: results will be better).

Dropcontact also finds B2B email addresses from a simple LinkedIn profile URL.

Email Finder - Dropcontact

The drag-and-drop of files to find nominative B2B email addresses

Maybe you have a lot of contacts in sheets (Google Sheet, numbers, excel ou just .CSV), and you are managing them like that.

You can drag and drop your files on Dropcontact, and a few minutes later, all of your contacts are

  • verified
  • enriched
  • qualified
  • up-to-date
💡25 to 33% of data becomes obsolete per year! But that was before!
Now, when enriching your files, Dropcontact automatically identifies and enriches your contacts' details in their new companies.
🔥🔥🔥 Yes, it sounds incredible! And it is! Dropcontact makes it possible for you to keep your information up to date with no extra effort.

Search and find professional email addresses thanks to API, n8n, Zapier, or Integromat

You can automate your sales process thanks to some automation tools where Dropcontact is integrated like n8n, Zapier, or Make, or use the API as you want.

Some scraping tools integrate Dropcontact : here.

Make your CRM an automatic machine to find verified email addresses

As a Salesperson, you should have a CRM like Pipedrive, Salesforce, HubSpot... You're lucky! 🍀 Dropcontact is natively integrated into these great CRMs in order to:

  • Find nominative email addresses
  • Qualify each email addresses
  • Verify email address
  • And so much more: identify and merge duplicate contacts or companies, add gender, LinkedIn Profile, job title, company's legal information...

Landing page: offer to receive an email address

Old-school but always very efficient: ask your audience's email address, while offering good content, exclusive events... Thanks to a form, you can ask for personal information (like first name, last name, email, company website...). Do what you want depending on your offer.

💡 Tips: the more you offer, the more you can ask for information.

Email Finder x Landing Page : a great duo!

In order to be sure to only get a professional address, you can block the subscription with a nominative email address like,,

Creating a landing page and exclusive content is time-consuming for sure, but it's a really good investment. You have generated interest for your lead, and you get their nominative B2B email address. You have created a fantastic event or whitepaper that you could use in many ways in the future to generate even more leads.

Find AND verify someone's email address.

Finding an email address is OK. Being sure this email address is correct, qualified, and verified is much better.

Dropcontact is the only Email Finder that guarantees algorithms that verify all emails in real-time before delivering.

No additional costs to verify an email address. It is the Dropcontact service 💚

Find a verified email from:

  • The first name, last name, and website of your contacts: it's the best way to obtain excellent results
  • The LinkedIn profile of your lead: Dropcontact gets a nominative and verified business email address without scraping LinkedIn.
  • A first name, last name, and the company name
  • The email address: Dropcontact adds all the information from the email address, then verifies and qualifies it

In addition to testing and verifying email addresses, Dropcontact qualifies them:

  • @pro, @perso, or @invalid
  • Nominative, Catch-all, generic, or invalid

Bonus reverse email lookup

Maybe you only have the email address of your contact in your lead database. Don't worry!

From an email address, Dropcontact will verify and qualify it. It will find the company's information and probably contact data (first name, last name, and civility), in order for you to prospect and personalize your communication.

Thanks to this feature, you can now segment and create different Sales scenarios to address your target more precisely.

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Most frequently asked questions

Why is it important to have updated and valid contact information?

Having updated and valid email addresses allows you to create efficient cold email campaigns, to make sure you can contact your prospects and, most importantly, to be able to turn them into new clients.

Is finding email addresses legal?

Though the CNIL recommends that your prospects should opt in, it's just a recommendation. Sending Cold Emails is legal if and only if you're addressing the B2B community and if your prospects have a legitimate interest in being contacted.

How can I find an email address?

The best way to search and find an email address is to use an Email Finder solution. There are a lot of Email Finders on the market. Dropcontact verifies and updates all name-based email addresses and all of the information you need for your prospecting - the solution does all that while being 100% GDPR compliant!